To you this may look like nothing more than a light burned out. Nice location you say, but what is the big deal anyway! The incredible thing to consider is how long it took to finally burn out. This light has burned STEADY for 2 years, 3 months, 4 days! This light fixture is our Security night light at the office. Only two of us (plus the electrician) know how/where to turn it off, so I can testify to how long it has given off light, since we haven't turned it out. Not bad for a florescent curly bulb. (Forget the technical term - it's a florescent, curly bulb!) Take it for what it's worth, to us it's purely amazing how long it has done it's job! Now it is layed to rest in the bulb recycle box and a new one has taken it's place. Incidently, the date is written on the new bulb so I don't have to scrounge around in old blogs to find exact time of "light life". Just an interesting tidbit to ponder!