Monday, July 16, 2012

Calgary Stampede 2

This is the first time I have seen the Calgary Stampede Parade in person for many many years so I wasn't sure what to expect.  I certainly was not disappointed.  From the large Draft Horses to the bands from around the world there was a constant sense of amazement at the diversity in participants.  There are always favorites though!  Let me share mine with you ...

Budweiser Draft Horses

City of Lacombe

Draft Horse Town & Fort Steele

Canadian Forces

Mini Chucks
Mini-er Stage Coach (Western Financial)

Canadian Pacific

I missed getting pictures of some others.  Probably because I was so busy watching I lost track of getting a photo shot!  The Wild Women of the West was a wonderful collection of ladies on horseback or wagon acting the parts of women whose lives contributed to western folklore.  Women like Annie Oakley, Kissin Kate, etc.  The Helsingor Pipegarde from Denmark were a sharp looking group of young ladies focused on their music and precision.  Very Impressive.  The Calgary 'Stampede Queen's' Alumni were women of all ages and time periods who each at one time or another served as a Stampede Queen.  One elderly lady couldn't ride a hose anymore - but she shared with pride her past involvement with the 100 years of Calgary Stampede.  There was also a collection of Pioneer Descendants with names that rang with the history of the Calgary and surrounding area. 

It was a parade that reflected one hundred years of stampeding very well.  I was impressed.

Calgary Stampede Parade

Waiting to get going
Waiting for them to come

Still waiting

...  Waiting ...

And they're off!

Crowds from their perspective

Here they come!

There he is!

Beat the Heat!

Pour Water in a Pail

Pour Water on Grandpa

Make Waves with Grandma

Have a cool drink (with cookie of course!)