READY TO GO!We picked up the new trailer! We both really like it and are anxious to get lots of good use out of it, even this season! So much so we went camping right away with Cor and Joanne. They were heading out for the weekend and once they knew we were picking up a our trailer on Friday they invited us to join them. Cor was amazing as he helped Peter adjust to all the new things you wish you knew, but don't, about a trailer. Lots comes from experience and we gleaned from their experience! So first of all a big huge THANK YOU to them for making our first camping trip out a good experience!
As soon as we pulled out from the RV dealership we got on the QE II which rapidly became the Deerfoot Trail running from north to south Calgary. Our destination for the weekend was west of Nanton and the quickest way there was through the city. I guess if we can go on the busiest freeway in the busiest city on a sunny Friday afternoon during rush hour, we can drive anywhere! We were relieved though to arrive at the quiet little Provincial Park in the south west foothills of this beautiful province we live in! Cor and Joanne had a site reserved for us so we only had to pull in, unhook and take all our camping gear from the back of the truck and load it into our yet unused trailer! Probably easier said than done! With Cor's help Peter got our new little home in place and we set up housekeeping!
"LEARNER" AND THE "LEARNED"There are no individual fire pits anymore in the campsites so we had to fore go that important part of camping and sit around the "coffee table" and visit. (We had good visits both Friday and Saturday night!) We were so excited to sleep in our new "home sweet home" we couldn't get to sleep Friday night! When we finally did, we slept very well.
"PRETEND IT'S A FIRE!" Saturday morning we had a fun morning cooking our first meal in our little home on wheels. We cooked and ate inside since nothing was set up outside yet.
AFTER BREAKFAST Saturday we went into Nanton and went to the Air Museum featuring a Lancaster bomber from WW II. It is a very interesting collection of war planes and items gleaned from that time period. The plain metal building from outside hides this fact! After spending a number of hours wandering inside and watching a well documented film concerning the strategy involved during bombing raids we wandered the town looking for a coffee shop. The obvious one in town was closed due to a family funeral. We finally managed to find a little roadside cafe that satisfied the craving.
MORE PRETENDING!After a very filling bar-b-que supper cooked individually and shared at one site we went for a long walk to see how far up the lake we could see. The wildflowers were gorgeous and so much like many seen in the mountainsides themselves. The area around Chain Lakes is unique with shrubs domineering the foliage instead of stands of trees, but very pleasing to the eye! The weather was warm and breezy, which helped keep the mosquitoes blowing right on by! (Each morning the air was calm - windy by afternoon - and once again calm by evening.)
LOTS OF FLOWERS TO EXAMINE!Before we were ready for it, Sunday afternoon arrived and it was time to pull away and head our separate directions! A good first camping experience and looking forward to more this summer.