Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New this Christmas!

New Little Explorer! Who thought watching a little one open gifts could be so entertaining. She thought the gifts were the wrapping paper and bows! That green tissue paper kept her busy for a long time!

New recipes! Absolutely love the Sweet Potato Biscuits. Will be hard to make them just for Christmas or other special occasions. The Cranberry Relish is another new favorite of mine. Hints of citrus fruit carefully blended all together (but no cooking!) make for a tantalizing taste bud treat!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This is what Christmas is all about!

This is what Christmas is all about! Now the next generation of little girls are getting to know their little cousin. One little girl in particular could hardly leave E's side. M loves babies so the trip up to the Craft Sale was complete for her when she was privileged to "take care" of her.

This is all part of what Christmas is really about. Relationships! While these girls were having fun in the one room, us older girls were getting in a good gab session in the other. To say nothing of the very non typical Christmas meal, complete with chocolate dessert! Thanks girls for contributing to the post Craft Sale supper! This time together should really be part of the Christmas tradition!

Monday, December 20, 2010

"The stockings were hung ..."

We're about as ready for Christmas as we can be. Guest room for E & B (and four pawed ball of energy) is ready. Groceries are bought for the new nontraditional Christmas meal - which I won't argue if it became the new tradition for our home. Presents need wrapping - but they are all sitting in our home right now waiting for paper, tape, ribbon, bows, tags, whatever creativity comes out of our thoughts of the recipient of the gift. The stockings will need to hang empty for a few more months, waiting for K to be back.

I've enjoyed planning our Christmas meal. I've enjoying shopping for gifts of special interest for each of our children. I've really enjoyed shopping for one sweet little girl. The joy of being a Grandma! I'm looking forward to preparing our non-traditional food. I'm looking forward to doing it once again in a few months!

Now. The only irritant to deal with this week is getting the dryer fixed. When I've heard about all the furnace replacements that have occurred with family members the last few years, a dryer is not something to destroy the week.

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care". This year I've spent more time on the "with care" and less on the actual "were hung". I quite like this!