Monday, March 9, 2009

Book Review - The Shack

Recently I finished reading this book, The Shack. It was recommended to me by my brother in law and so I went ahead and purchased it online through It took me a bit to open it up and get reading since I am not a prolific reader. When I did start it, I had a hard time putting it down! I normally read before I go to sleep, so it was necessary to let it go for another night and day!

This book is OFF THE WALL! This is my opinion. Great reading for sure! But to imagine God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit etc as humans doing fairly normal human things was really stretching me. I know I really enjoyed the book to open up my horizons and my understanding about God. They did do some fantastic things that only could be done by diety. The love that was there for the main character was also so good to read. I know that the book is fiction but it does have a good story line and I enjoyed how it ended as well.

So if you want to expand your horizons of understanding of who God is, read the book. If you are looking for sound theology, then don't read the book.


Kevin said...

Hey mom, you should be writing more blogs more often :) I look at your blog everyday and nothing much happens :) ...

Peter and Lorraine said...

Hey there Kev! Glad to hear you read them and check it out every day! I know I've been blog lazy lately! Trying to leave blog room for dad!