Friday, May 9, 2008

End of a Long Week

This morning we woke up to sunny skies. That is always a good beginning to the end of a week. No snow on the ground! That is always a good beginning to the end of winter. We had a very tasty lunch at Anna Marie's Coffee Bar in the Memorial Center. That is very much a good way to start a Friday afternoon. Sorry no picture of the inviting lunch spot we tried for the first time - no camera along and nothing online to show you what it it like inside. You will either have to believe us or next time you are visiting ask to go to Anna Marie's for lunch - or coffee. I see they have a coffee and pie special between 2 and 4 weekdays.

What better way to spend an "oh I am feeling so lazy" Friday afternoon but outside waiting for the 2816 to go through town. It wasn't well advertised they were going through. A couple thoughts shared in the group waiting to see was the plan to stop for a few minutes. They must have been behind schedule because they flew right on by. That was disappointing - but we did get a couple of pictures. AND they are supposed to travel back on Monday - not sure when - but we will see them again hopefully.

So if you live in Alberta you can probably find something online somewhere about this trip. Ray popped out for a few minutes before leaving for a meeting at 2:00 to explain a bit more about the purpose of the train running through from Calgary to Edmonton and back to Calgary again on Monday. MLA's were riding the train and somewhere in this trip and probably this weekend is talks about running a CO2 pipeline along the CP rail lines. Still a bit sketchy to me - but you might find out more information than we heard about so far. A good way to see the countryside the pipeline will potentially travel along. A good way to just see the countryside!

1 comment:

Budd said...

Yep, that would be the train that Maddie is sure she saw Uncle Peter on! I love the soft whistle of that train so much nicer than today's trains!