When life gives you lemons ... make lemonade! At least take the unexpected and inconveniences thrown at you and do your best with them. Especially if you know they won't go away for a while. Peter finally made a visit to the doctor after his skiing tumble, not revealed a few blogs ago. The thumb, with a bone chip, now needs to be immobilized to allow the ligaments to heal. The visit to the specialist tomorrow will tell what further action needs to happen. In the meantime he has a bright blue cast that is a pain in the butt! Since the thumb and finger don't meet very well (not well at all actually) his mouse needed some modifications! So with a few small pieces of cardboard strapped on with some tape he can at least grip the mouse and keep working. He also needs a temporary support for his now heavy arm, so a couple of sturdy cardboard tubes were put in place! How ingenious! He took those lemons and made lemonade!
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